Love Jesus, Love His People and Love Sharing His Word

Empowering Leaders to Thrive in Faith and Business

Michael Morisi is a gifted teacher of God’s Word and uniquely anointed in evangelistic preaching. He has a distinguished grace to lead people into the manifested presence of the Holy Spirit and healing. His ministry is marked by the Holy Spirit in a special way. Ministering God’s power with excellence and reverence, Michael's ministry has seen people from all walks of life come into a genuine and life-changing experience in God’s glorious presence. Michael has a heart to lead the lost to Christ, the sick to healing, and the believer into a deeper fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

Michael Morisi is a dynamic figure in both the realms of ministry and business coaching. With a profound commitment to biblical principles, he blends spiritual insights with practical strategies to help leaders excel in their personal and professional lives. As a sought-after speaker, bestselling author, and dedicated Pastor, Michael's impact resonates in churches, men's groups, and Christian seminars worldwide.

Biblical Wisdom: Michael's coaching program is rooted in timeless biblical wisdom, providing a solid foundation for leadership excellence. Through deep insights into scripture, he equips leaders with the spiritual tools necessary to navigate challenges and seize opportunities.

Leadership Development: Recognizing the importance of effective leadership in both business and ministry, Michael offers coaching programs designed to enhance leadership skills, foster strategic thinking, and cultivate a culture of excellence.

Gospel-Centered Preaching: With a passion for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, Pastor Michael delivers powerful messages that inspire and transform lives. Whether in business, churches, men's groups, or Christian conferences, his dynamic preaching style connects with audiences on a profound level.

Authoritative Voice: As a bestselling author, Michael Morisi has established himself as an authoritative voice in the realms of faith especially when facing struggles.. His latest book offers practical insights, compelling narratives, and actionable advice, making it an invaluable resource for leaders seeking growth and transformation in their faith.

Pastor's Heart: Beyond his role as a coach and speaker, Michael embodies the heart of a pastor, offering compassion, guidance, and support to individuals and communities. His genuine care for people shines through in every aspect of his ministry, fostering deep connections and lasting impact. His spiritual connection sessions will help you to recognize your identity is not found in the world but in the Creator. 

Michael and his wife Shannon and two of their children live in Suffolk Virginia. He has a son who lives in Los Angeles, daughter in Kentucky and two children already in Heaven and looks forward to seeing them again.

Email him at to schedule a time to visit with him

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